UPMC Health Plan Pittsburgh Half Marathon

18 May

UMPC Race ResultsThe good news? I was the first EVANS to finish! The great news? My time is actually recorded! If you recall my story on the Pittsburgh Marathon in 2010, I may have accidentally put the directions on my shoe rather than my timing chip-rookie mistake. This time around, Pittsburgh Marathon got its act together (joking) and decided to put the timing chip on my bib!

This was, hands down, my BEST race ever. Not only did I PR my time at 1:45, but Adam, my mom, and my dad were there for support. They woke up at 5:30am just to get me down to my corral by 6:45am. I saw them once along the course but just knowing they were there was more than I could have asked for!

Pitt finish with Adam

Adam and I after I finished!

Rewind a bit; the weekend started with Adam and I arriving in Pitt on Friday night. Wine, burgers, and of course, dessert was all consumed. Saturday started early with my mother and I taking a 75 minute yoga class at the Wexford Athletic Club. It was a beginners class and stretched out everything that I needed to be stretched out; it was like the instructor knew I was coming! Afterwards, we all headed into Pittsburgh to give Adam a tour of the city.

Primanti Bros., Strip District, the Incline, Shady Side (had to visit my friends at lululemon!) and the Convention Center to pick up my race packet.

Primanti Bros Pitt Backpack Run for Boston 1 Run for Boston Top of MW

The expo had a huge white board where we could write on for Boston..amazing experience.

The half marathon course took us along the North Shore of Pittsburgh, crossing over the 3 rivers into the South Side, and back downtown to the finish line. Maybe I’m biased, but this is my fave race! The course isn’t too hilly (slight inclines) and you cross over various bridges along the route. There isn’t a huge stretch of straight-aways so it’s easy to keep focus; previous half marathons I’ve run will have 2-3 miles of straight-aways which I find to be extremely boring. The weather was perfect; at 7am it was ~55degrees with the sun shining. By 9am, it may have reached ~60degrees but the sun continued to glisten down on us, keeping the runners warm without overheating (if that makes sense?).

I was able to keep my pace at 8:05 all 13.1 miles!


I was on fire! I have no idea what was going on but I felt so strong throughout the 13.1 miles. Gotta keep this up for the Detroit Marathon!

BHAG’s in Detroit

17 May


Today started with a brisk, 5.75 mile run around Oakland U’s campus! I absolutely LOVE using the MapMyRun website; it’s a useful tool for the direction-challenged runners. I change my settings to satellite so I have a clear picture of my running route. If you use the app, friend me!

I did something extremely bold and audacious yesterday..
Detroit marathon
Who am I!? I remember the Pittsburgh Marathon in 2010; it poured, my iPod broke, and there was a bomb threat at mile 26. What in the world is making me want to do it again?!


Why not? I don’t know where I’m going to be come April 2014 and I may never get the chance to run a race in Detroit again. Here goes nothing :). Any Michiganders want to train??

Have a great weekend!

Look Who’s Back, Back, Back

9 May

Katie’s Back! (to the tune of Eminem..)

Hello hello!

It’s been so long. Too long, since I’ve posted last. SO much has happened I don’t even know where to start!

Crazy to look back and reflect on where I was one year ago;

I’ve had the opportunity to do so much in one year; meeting new people, living in a new city, going to grad school, completing a graduate assistantship, working part-time, and trying to keep everything balanced. And those are the things that just standout!

I’m happy to share that I’ve successfully completed my first year as a full-time graduate student! It wasn’t easy; juggling a full-time course load, a graduate assistantship, a part-time job, and maintaining somewhat of a social life definitely took its toll one or two or three or four times. But I wouldn’t have had it any other way! These past 8 months have been eye-opening, both professionally and personally, and I’m not mad at the person I’m becoming.

The classes I took in the Winter 2013 semester were my favorite to date; Leadership Theory and Development and Instructional Design. The leadership theory class looked at different traits of leaders, qualities leaders possess, and characteristics of each leadership theory. Our final project was to complete an assessment on another classmate; we were paired with someone we didn’t know well and asked various personal and behavioral questions. Bases on their answers of the questions, we assigned 4 assessment tests they had to take and turn back in. Once we had the results, we broke down each test based on our research of each theory and discussed their areas of strength and areas where there can be improvement, recommendations, and feedback. It was an awesome assignment (who am I?)! The thought of having someone who doesn’t know you assess you is kind of scary at first, but they have no opinions coming into it which makes it a real conversation.

One of our projects in Instructional Design was to create a “How To” manual; I chose to create a “How To” manual for my part-time job which showed educators how to create a product notification email. I plan on printing the manual out and sharing it with the company! Whether or not we can use it, I put so much time and effort into creating it and want to show it off! The manual includes a task analysis of step-by-step procedures and a prototype that has 3 parts: an educator guide, guide for key leader, and key leader guide, that breaks down each step of the process into SAY, DEMONSTRATE, PRACTICE, FEEDBACK, and so-on. Did I mention how much time I spent on this?

Looking ahead, I plan on blogging regularly with workouts, recipes, tips, and those random posts I know you love so much! I’m taking 2 summer classes each semester; summer 1 is Program Administration and summer 2 is Team Development. On the GA-front, we’ll be filming group ex videos, updating the website, developing student instructors, routing running/walking routes, dabbling in payroll and budgets, and trying to get as much experience as I can in these next few months while things are slower on campus. At lululemon,  I’m continuing to develop into a part-time leader where I’m working on leading self, then others, then a company.

Stay tuned 🙂

NIRSA 2013 Las Vegas

13 Mar

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

Not really when you’re a part of NIRSA, an organization that prides itself on networking, connection making, and taking what you’ve learned at national conferences back to your institution in some way, shape, or form.

This past week, myself and 8 other OU campus recreation professionals traveled to Las Vegas, NV for the 2013 NIRSA National Conference! The conference didn’t start until Monday afternoon, so we had all day Sunday to tour the city.

photo 1 1photo 3 3

Chef Gordon Ramsey’s shrine

photo 3

The Belagio

photo 4


photo 2 2

Heaven! Or it would have been if their sales tax wasn’t 8.1%

Vegas really is larger than life; so beautifully designed and spaced out. I truly took in all the scenery when I went running on Monday morning; (little did I know that I’d have to fork over $10/day to use one of the hotels dinky gyms) jogging the streets is the best and cheapest way to sight see! And me and a handful of other runners may have been the only one’s out to take in the scenery at 7:00am..partay animals.

The conference began with the opening session; a renowned MSNBC television host, political science professor, author, academic, and keynote speaker, Melissa Harris-Perry tied in the theme of the conference, Inspiring Communities of Wellbeing, and set the stage for the rest of the week. Afterwards, it was the Katie show!

photo 5

I had the opportunity (again!) to teach a variation to the Total Body High Intensity Intervals class I led in Tampa, only this time it was Round 2 duh-duh-duh. The deets:

  • EMOM= 7 burpees, 5 push-ups
  • alternating lunges, speed skaters, dive bomber push-ups, plank (3X)
  • plie squats, mountain climbers, side planks, ins & outs (3X)
  • plank jacks, triceps dips, shoulder presses, knee tucks

Nervous/anxious at first, considering the “gym” the class was held in was a ballroom with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, on carpet flooring, with tables and chairs behind us filled with spectators to watch, not participate..Luckily, I had ~50 people come and sweat with me! It turned out awesome and I was super pumped afterwards! It was a great way to start the conference off on the a healthyright foot :). Thanks to everyone who came!

Most of the sessions I went to focused on fitness, student/professional leadership, student development, health and wellness, assessment, learning outcomes, and implementing programs. I learned something in each session that I can take back to Oakland and implement it in a way that works for us. I also had the opportunity to participate in Take a Student to Lunch, where I met a professional from a different university wanting pick my brain about how I started this blog.

The conference came to an ending at the Honors Award Banquet, where I finally got to see and be with my Oakland family! girls 1BeckySteph and Sarah

All-in-all, the conference was a success! I can’t wait to put what I learned at NIRSA into reality at Oakland U! I’m already excited for the 2014 NIRSA National Conference in Nashville, TN next year!

The Neck Rule

6 Feb

The sun does exist!

I tell ya, living in North Carolina for 4 years during the winter has made me forget what a real winter is. I think this is the FIRST time I’ve been legit sick. Something’s going around; co-workers are sick, Adam is sick, and everyone and their brother is feeling under the weather.


It is believed that regular, consistent exercise can lead to substantial benefits in immune system health over the long-term (ACE fitness)

However, sometimes enough is enough and we get sick. For my co-workers and I, our main job is to exercise; whether it’s teaching a class, training a client, or sneaking in some “me” time, our job is provide exercise for our participants, regardless of how we’re feeling.

So..the question arises..

Should I (could I) exercise when I’m sick?

Every body is unique; one’s “cold” may be another’s “I’m on my death-bed”. When it comes to exercising when you’re feeling less-than stellar, experts use the “above the neck” rule to gauge whether or not it’s safe to be active, if it’s even worth it, and if you’d benefit from taking a rest day.

Above the neck symptoms include nasal congestion (the sniffles and sneezes), sore throats and teary eyes.


If you have these symptoms, light to moderate intensity workouts can help drain head congestion; after 10 minutes of low-impact activity and you feel okay, it’s safe to increase the intensity gradually. Watch! Overdoing it with heavy, intense exercise may actually reduce your immune system function and prevent you from getting better! Exercising at max intensity with above the neck symptoms should NOT be a goal.

Below the neck symptoms involve fever, chest congestion, coughing, aching body and fatigue.

Chest stache

Had to. Adam do NOT get any ideas.

If you have these symptoms, it’s best to completely rest. ACSM states that a rest period of 2-4 weeks is adequate and a slow, monitored progression back into exercise is the best practice (maybe even a physician’s clearance too).

All in all, the best practice to exercising when you’re sick is to listen to your body! Stay hydrated, eat a well-balanced diet, and obtain adequate sleep will help you get back to your routine.

Get Some Fitness, Beverly Hills, MI

5 Feb

I’m not sure how I’m typing this post; my arms, shoulders, back-even my KNUCKLES-are still shaking from Friday morning! See.. they would still be trembling if I wrote this post the day of 😉

Lulu kickboxing

Jenny, me, Allie, and Liz!

Jenny, Allie, Liz, and I ventured to Get Some Fitness in Beverly Hills Michigan for a 9:30am workout named The Grind. What’s The Grind you ask?

Basically, it was an hour-long session of kicking-the-shi*t-out-of-a-punching-bag workout that mixed jabs, hooks, jumping squats and lunges, and crunches without rest. Oh..how could I forget to mention a few burpees were thrown into the mix! Seriously, from the minute 9:32am came, I was already feeling the burn in my quads from the warm-up of alternating lunges..and usually I’m the one saying “more, more!” cause it takes me a while to really feel the burn. One of the warm-up exercises I really enjoyed was a deep squat with an accentuated “hip thrust” (if you will), which allowed our hip flexors to really open up and ready themselves for lots more squats and lunges!

Punching bags

Right after the warm-up, it was go-time. Literally 50 minutes of punches. Jon, the instructor, called out various combos to upbeat and high-tempo music that not only motivated us, but kept us on pace. Every once in a while, he’d tell us to do this many burpees, lunges, push-ups, and squats to give our shoulders and back a rest, but then we’d go right back to the punching bag.

I loved the workout! Tough-extremely tough, but doable. Jon kept encouraging us to do our best and always reminded us to stay on our toes (opposite of what I always tell my clients and participants!). Another thing I appreciated about the class and Jon was that not once did the words “burning calories”, “melting fat”, and/or “work off what you ate” was said. When I take classes at private gyms, that’s all I hear. Why can’t we have 1 hour of our day not be focused on the negatives?!

I highly recommend visiting Get Some Fitness in Beverly Hills, MI for a kick-butt workout! It’s not one to disappoint :).

1 Feb

Read all about NIRSA Region III Student Lead-on from one of our bloggers, Sierra!

Oakland University Recreation and Well-Being

This past weekend, a group of student employees, grad assistants, and professionals from OU Campus Rec were in Chicago at DePaul University for the NIRSA (National Intramural Recreation Sports Association) Region III Student Lead On Conference! Our region, made up of schools from Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Ontario, had over 400 Campus Rec students and professionals attending the conference. We went to sessions on varying subjects from how to incorporate humor into management to building excitement into a fitness class. We met new people, exchanged great ideas, and had an awesome time!



(Left to right: Dan Bettmann [IM Coordinator], Rachel Jarvie [Membership Program Assistant], Shannon Steverson [Fitness Graduate Assistant], Shelby Stewart [Intramural Graduate Assistant], Sarah Button [Marketing Graduate Assistant], and Katie Evans [Fitness Graduate Assistant].


Katie and Sarah before the opening ceremony!

IMG_5570Nick Meyer [Facilities Program Assistant] trying to decide which sessions to attend. So many choices!


One of the many awesome people…

View original post 293 more words

Super “Foods” Bowl

30 Jan

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

The Super Bowl is right around the corner; since my team isn’t in it, I’m really watching it because it’s a sport on TV, for the commercials, and the half-time show. Oh..and the food too.

Just because it’s a SUPER bowl, doesn’t mean you can SUPER size your eats! Here are some tips and a few recipes to enjoy while you’re watching the game..Mini Bowl style.

  • don’t go to a party hungry! we often think if we don’t eat beforehand, we can “save” some room and indulge when we get there. keep eating throughout the morning so you arrive to the party content rather than famished.
  • taste everything. a little dip, 1-2 wings, dixie-size cup of chili, sprinkle of cheese, veggies, and a dessert; because you didn’t come famished, allowing yourself a little taste of everything should satisfy you.

Sweet & Spicy Nuts:

  • 1 1/2 cup nuts (any!)
  • 1/2 cup maple syrup
  • 1T. butter
  • 1T. ground cinnamon
  • 1T. chili powder
  • salt to taste (optional)
  1. preheat oven to 350degrees. line a baking sheet with spray and bake nuts for ~10 minutes.
  2. heat 1/2 cup maple syrup in a saucepan, stirring constantly. bring to a low boil.
  3. remove from heat and add 1T. of butter, stir.
  4. add nuts. let cool.
  5. combine cinnamon and chili powder in a bowl.
  6. remove nuts from maple syrup mixture with a slotted spoon into the cinnamon mixture.
  7. spread coated nuts out on a baking sheet. store in an airtight container.
  • pre-game warm-up. exercise before the party! you won’t feel as guilty about indulging in the party foods if you move a little more. try this:


Is your team in the Super Bowl? What are you fave eats for a Super Bowl party?

Tips for Running in the Cold

23 Jan


I’m not sure what temperature it is where you are, but in Michigan, apparently this is the norm. It’s.So.Cold. Blistering. Face-numbing. Hurts-to-inhale. Just plain cold. I guess that’s what I get for going to school in the south for 4 years-I forget what a REAL winter feels like!

I give those of you who are die-hard runners and are out there all year round; the mere thought of wearing that many layers makes me hit the infamous treadmill! I’m all for running in the cold and snow, but in negative temperatures? I’ll sit this one out.

Complaining over.

As in many facets of life, there are always ways to “cheat the system”. Here are tips to dress for success out in this mess (of temperatures?).

  1. Warmth in-Slush out. Socks that are made with Merino Wool allows for superior temperature regulation and moisture management while insulating your feet. Shoes that have the least amount of mesh will keep the slushy snow out.
  2. Dress for success. Gear-up like it’s 20 degrees warmer; layers of technical, wicking fabrics, with zippers at the neck and underarm area to vent air as you heat up. You should be slightly cool when you start. Keep this chart as a rule of thumb (source)

30 degrees: 2 tops (long-sleeve base layer and a vest keep your core warm) and 1 bottom (tights or fleece-lined athletic pants) Brooksie way outfit
10 to 20 degrees: 2 tops (add a jacket) and 2 bottoms (add wind-resistant pants0 to 10 degrees: 3 tops (swap a fleece shirt and another jacket) and 2 bottoms (whatever works at this point!)
Minus 10 to 0 degrees: 3 tops, 2 bottoms, extra pair of mittens (base pair and a thicker, fleecy pair) and a neck warmer/scarf/face mask/arm sleevesStanding arm warmers pre race
Minus 20 degrees: your entire closet of workout gear 61854194853942928_SkN7fz85_b

  1. Stand out. Reflective, flourescent gear will ensure safety running in the mornings or early evenings. Even a headlamp or carrying a small flashlight will prevent snow trucks mistaking you for snow!
  2. Warm-up in the Warmth. Doing easy calisthenics (think-jumping jacks, high knees, running the stairs) inside will help you transition to the temperature outside; the cold doesn’t feel AS cold when your body is warm.
  3. Release your Inner Model and Change Quickly. Your core body temperature drops as soon as you stop running; change your clothes as soon as you can. *Women-take off that sports bra and wrap your hair in a towel. Everyone chug drink something hot!

Stay warm 🙂

You Want Me To Do HOW Many Burpees?!

16 Jan

True statement from a BLAST participant!

The BLAST program picked right back up last Monday and I finally got around to doing the workout. I’m a BIG believer in never putting a client/participant/friend through a workout that I’ve never done before, but the other trainer designed the workout so I knew it was doable.

We incorporated AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) last session and the participants actually liked it (gasp)! It was challenging enough for their respective fitness levels; they didn’t have to worry about staying on beat or keeping up with the others. And trust me, when they say they like something, we do our best to incorporate it differently ever session!

But..this session..they (AND ME) have to do 30 burpees! 30 BURPEES? HAVE YOU EVER DONE 30 BURPEES? Consecutively. Not 5 here, another exercise, 5 more, another exercise, and so-on.

One after the other after the other after the other..until you hit 30. That’s tough. Hard. But believe it or not, doable! Now I’m not saying no one can rest (quickly) then get right back to it, but it’s such a huge accomplishment when you reach 30!

So I challenge you..

30 burpees. Consecutively. In under 2 minutes.

Ready? Go!