Tag Archives: Ashtanga

Day 22

20 Jun

Hello Tuesday 🙂

It’s good to be back on a schedule! Being at home at doing things at my leisure is enjoyable for a while, but I like to follow a loose schedule for the most part. No training this morning! But I wanted to get a head-start on my to-do list for the week so I went in early.

While I was at home, all I ate for breakfast was eggs-scrambled, dippy, omelets oh my! It felt and tasted good to eat some overnight oats again-with cookie butter!  I ran out of milk for my coffee so almond milk took its place..and I’m indifferent about the taste. It tasted not good but good? If that makes sense. I asked on twitter how, if you use almond milk, do you like to make your coffee and Katie recommended I try it with a little cinnamon and/or flavored almond milk; I’ll give it a shot!

Lots of emails to respond to, meetings to attend, and general office work to get done awaited for me at work! The morning was spent plugging away on the computer, finishing up freelance assignments,  internship posts, and preparing for my FIRST Step I.T. class to teach on Wednesday! Very, very, very nervous but excited at the same time; I’m completely out of my comfort zone with Step, but with the hardwork I’ve put in to attending classes and practicing, I think I’m going to do O.K. for my first time. Wish me luck! (Review to follow).


I attended Interval Training for a 45-minute sweat-sesh; my brain was a little foggy so a quick workout was appreciated! 2 minutes at every station; cycle bikes, step aerobics, jump rope, ladders, slide boards with biceps curls, triceps kickbacks, overhead press/upright rows, push-ups, squats, and lunges as transition exercises. Great class! It took me a while to get the hang of the slide boards; the first time through I picked a board with the bumpers too far apart for my stumps legs and didn’t push-off enough to make it to the other side. I remember my first time exercising.. Once I realized if I sat lower and pushed harder with my outer thighs, I’d make it to the other bumper; then, of course, it was time to move on. The second time through was more successful!

Strength training for runners followed; we utilized the stability (physioball) ball for balance exercises as well as core strength and stability.

Equipment cleaning followed.

More work to complete then Yoga Flow! Except it was very flowing; when I think of a yoga flow class, I imagine sun salutations, transitioning into a series of poses held for a couple of breaths, then flowing into the next pose, series, etc. This was more of a Hatha yoga type class rather than a Vinyasa or Ashtanga Yoga. Hatha yoga is an easy, basic form of yoga that strives to achieve balance between the body and mind. Vinyasa yoga focuses on coordination of breath and movement and can be very physically demanding; Ashtanga yoga is similar and involves synchronizing breathing with continuous series of postures that increases your heart rate.

A trip to Trader Joe’s after! Have a fabulous night 🙂